Company Information

Company Profile

Company Name SK Fine Co., Ltd.
Representative Tadakatsu Asano, President and Representative Director
Date Established October 17, 2018
Location 7-2-10, Nojihigashi, Kusatsu-shi, Shiga 525-0058 Japan Access Map
TEL/FAX TEL:077-566-1201   FAX:077-507-3356
Business line Sales of ceramic 3D printers (stereolithography equipment)
Capital 65,000,000 yen
Parent Company SHASHIN KAGAKU Co., Ltd.
Executive Officers President and Representative Director: Tadakatsu Asano
Director: Shuji Sawaragi
Director: Norimasa Sakamoto
Director: Hayami Shimizu
Auditor: Shushi Hori


1868 Saijiro Ishida started copper plate engraved printing.
1934 Established Ishida Kyokuzan Printing Co., Ltd.
1970 Changed the company name to SHASHIN KAGAKU Co., Ltd.
2018 Established SK Fine Co., Ltd., with investment from SHASHIN KAGAKU Co., Ltd.

SK Fine Co., Ltd. was established as a subsidiary of SHASHIN KAGAKU Co., Ltd., on October 17, 2018 with the aim of commercializing 3D ceramic printing.
Based on equipment and materials formulation technology (classification, agitation, and molding) developed by SHASHIN KAGAKU, we engage in production and sales of 3D printers and ceramic parts, etc., and also respond to research and development according to market needs.

SK Fine’s Business Image